Sunday, July 25, 2010

Waiting Moments

If there is one thing that really tests my patience is that of waiting. Added to the annoyance is the fact that you feel so helpless while waiting. You can’t do anything but wait. I’m experiencing it every time I am invited for an interview. Imagine you will be scheduled for a job interview at 9am, but you will be entertain an hour after the supposed schedule. So bad is it not? While I do my best to be ahead of the scheduled time, seems to be worthless when the effort is not rewarded if after all of waiting you go home still jobless.

They would say patience is virtue but, what about time? Time is gold and it is not that easy for those who consider it as such to just throw it away. It can’t be this way. Time must not be wasted. What we have to do then with waiting?

My experiences on waiting had pushed me to the limits of my patience where the light of wisdom illuminates my mind. And yes, there is such a thing as wisdom of waiting. Waiting provides a venue for thinking. While waiting, I can’t do anything but wait…and think as well. While being idle, thinking is the only best and rewarding activity I can do. It is where those brilliant ideas pop up. More than that, what is worth rewarding is it sometimes serves as the venue for the unconcealment of “being”. It is where I would find myself confronted with the fundamental question of “being”. Most especially when I am fully aware that I am in the state of “waiting” for something which I only am certain that it is uncertain---as to whether I will go home with a job or not.

Perhaps the wisdom why life allows modes of waiting lies in the fact that we need also to pause for a while, think and reflect. Due to so much engrossed with the everydayness, too preoccupied with material needs we tend to neglect that we are beings with “being”.

Daily routines push us away from our true vocation. The segment of waiting, whether they are human interventions or natural interventions, is a mode or I would say chances by which “being” could arrest us and bring us back to our true nature. The many waiting moments of my job hunting was not actually a waste of time, as this had made me realized many things.

Few people today think. And if ever they think, they don’t know that and what they are thinking. Thus if you ask some what s/he is thinking. The most common answer you would get is “nothing”. Is this not worth pondering?

Well, to all of those who made me wait, thank you. With you I learn one thing which is worth sharing. Waiting is thinking and thinking is waiting.

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