Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Phenomenology of "Taong Grasa"

We’ve been talking about love. Though its been experienced than talked about, we have come up with definition of love to one’s encounter of it. Love comes in different forms,  in different faces and in different ways. It is not merely an emotion. All these years since the evolution of the world, we have given love a different meanings. Robert  Sternberg has even come up with his eight kinds of love. But what then does love truly mean?
During weekends, I used to go home to the province where I am staying here in Luzon. I never failed to notice this one man in our waiting shed. One time, on my way back to Baguio, I saw this same man the again with all the dirt in his body and soiled clothes. He doesn’t seem harmful. He’s just there as if waiting for someone. He often looks at his watch though he doesn’t have one. I could trace the sorrow amidst his greasy face. I also could tell the anticipation for that something beyond those looks.
In my curiosity, I began to ask him his name, where is he from and how old is he. I also get to know his family and I found out he is not crazy at all as most would easily judge him to be. He told me he is waiting for his girlfriend. He decided to run away from home with her because his parent is not in favor of the relationship. They agreed to meet that night set at exactly 12 midnight. It was already dawn but his girlfriend has not yet arrive. People started to come for early trips but she hadn’t  shown up.  He overheard them talking a young girl who met an accident that night around 12 midnight. A witness had said the girl carries a bag with her and in a hurry failing to notice the fast approaching car. He doesn’t believe what he just heard, his hours of waiting had turned to days, days become weeks, weeks to months and months to years.  He patiently waits for the arrival of his beloved that long. Long enough that endures the anxiety of her coming.
I had asked my auntie about how true was the story related to me by the “taong grasa”. She told me that it had been five years since that event took place. It had become the talk of the town since then. He was the center of mockery. His family renounced him. He had turned into what he is now simply to keep his promise to his beloved.
At first we could indeed say this man had grown mad out of love. He is out of his mind for the fact that he insisted on his belief that his girlfriend is coming. He might be so blinded by love making him cling on it falsely. His love was merely madness. He was unable to rise in that love.
But if we look beyond what he did, we could see the genuineness of love. To transcend that very sight of the “taong grasa”, man is once again reminded of the power of love. Love that is not merely based on emotion alone. A love so true that it is strong enough to endure the pain and more willing to go through its tests. He was indeed standing in love proving to everyone how true and genuine was it.
The presence of this “taong grasa” would always be there to remind me of what love can do for the sake of its beloved. It was indeed love that transcends the conventions and conditions set by our historicity. It is love that went through fire to be purified. A journey most of us would not dare to go through. It is never easy to be in love. As long as grow and able to actualize our potentialities and realize our very own subjectivity in it, dare to go through it.
We may fail along the way, what matters most is that we had tried. For better are those who tried but failed than those who have never tried.