Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Role of Education towards Individual and Society

If we were to follow Plato, education plays a fundamental role in the construction of a good society. Education helps individual to discover one’s self, one’s nature and identity that is necessary to be able for one to appropriately participate and do his part properly to maintain harmony in a society.

Every individual is born unique. This uniqueness is his/her identity. It is his/her nature. However this nature needs to be discovered. It needs to be known. This is where education plays its key role. Education is a process by which an individual discover his/her own self. The knowledge of oneself is the knowledge of one’s gifts, skills and nature that are very much significant in his/her relation towards others and eventually to society. Education is a process of self-knowing.

The nature of man is supposed to be what one is doing. Thus, if by nature one is an artist, then he is expected to be doing what artist do and not anything else. However, what we see today is not the case; we have seen people in places where they should not be there. We have seen people who are doing things that they should not supposed to do because by nature they are not supposed to do those things.

The wisdom behind the education’s role is when everyone knows himself, his nature, and gift; one is expected to do his nature or his part. When one is doing what he is supposed to do, there would be a complete harmony in society. Just like saying that when everything is in its proper place and performs its respective task, then the whole work is accomplish smoothly and effectively.

Diagnosing present situation, it seems that others want to be beyond their nature. A lot wants to be a nurse not because it is there nature but because of monetary consideration. As a consequence, the welfare of the society is sacrificed. More than that, the self ends up unsatisfied and unfulfilled. For self- fulfillment is beyond material accumulation. It is actually the realization of one’s self after the discovery and identification.

Let everybody admit that we are not the same. This means that one could not be somebody else. If you feel that you are very much detach from what you are learning, then change your course even if it would cause some disagreement from the people around you. What matters in education is the fact that it would let you know thyself. And there could be no greater happiness, no greater achievement than knowing thyself. Give justice to yourself, so that you could offer justice and eventually reap justice.

It is then a crucial task for every educational institution to see to it that individuals attain self knowledge or self excellence. The attainment of such determines one’s place and role as well as his identity in a society. If this is the case, everything needed in building a good society will follow accordingly.

It is therefore prudent for educational institutions to refrain from any marketing that would encourage individuals to be what s/he is not supposed to be on the basis of potential material accumulation. The balance of demand and supply of labor is determine and is maintain naturally if the inherent role of education is satisfied. Otherwise, there would be imbalance that would result to chaos, struggle and war.

As a concluding remarks let this be an analogy to recapitulate the core points about education. In a military training every individual is taught accordingly. The process of training helps the trainee uncover his or her skills and expertise through series of evaluation and assessment. The area where the trainee excels gives him the idea and proper discernment on what particular branch of armed forces he or she will part of after the training. Thus if one excels in aerial intelligence and aerial war craft operation, it is expected that this one would be part of air force and the like. In the end, success of the armed forces in providing potent security depends on the effective performance shared by the three branches namely marine, navy and air force. Everybody has respective role and place in the realization of goals and dreams.

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